The four tests of the Ordeal seem to work well together. Have these particular four challenges ever occurred together historically prior to the creation of the Order of the Arrow?
Long ago an ancient hunter
with his family fled from danger
fleeing to a place they’d heard of
many hard days walk in peril.
Days they traveled with small children
scared the game they might have eaten.
To feed them he must hunt alone;
slept that night apart from others.
Woke at first light, met the challenge,
labored long to feed his family.
Followed game paths through the thickets.
Did not falter as he tired.
He’d left his food with his family.
Cheerfully he ate but little.
Hunger did not blunt his purpose;
fasted as he searched for nurture.
Moved silently, spoke not a word,
listened to the sounds of nature
for his guidance as he hunted.
The ancient hunter brought the food
to his family. Great the banquet!
Great the fire in the evening
cerebrating ties together!
In the ancient world, this would certainly have occurred world-wide, numerous times. Do you see the similarity to our Ordeal?
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